Sunday, May 13, 2007

Oh, Cupid!!!

This is one of my assignments in ME2. My group had passed many difficulties to finish it. It still has many stupid things but we actually love it. It will be an unforgettable memory.
The thing I love most in this movie is the atmosphere during behind the scene. To me this part of the clip makes me happiest each time watching back. It brings me the atmosphere during the process of making this film.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

What you see is what you guess it to be:))

Simple pictures I have made by playing with Photoshop

Sometimes, you need to cry...
And sometimes you need someone's shoulder to lean on ...
And this time what you are watching is just a film in a cinema box:D
And finally all of them are created from an image of an ankle by me:))
Thanks for watching all of them. Have fun or get angry, it depends on you:))
Wipro GE healthcare, 1997- 2003,E CSAN Ankle Image, viewed April 2nd,

Thunder storm

I designed this one just by chance, however, extremely emotionally. During the process, I thought about 7 colous of the rainbow, the university, the cosmos, the finger print, a school of fish, the eye and something else I cannot remember. Finally it's just a thunder storm in my mind....

Technique: just play with Illustrator:D

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Some raised, some trampled

Just with emotions from on movie I saw long ago, I have created this picture. I drew in Illustrator, using brush tool, pentoll, some gradiant effect, stylize and some in Photoshop, it actually doesn't reflect exactly all my feeling, just part of it. It seems to be a picture symbolizing for particularly Chinese and generally Asian women's life in the past. They shone and faded away, nobody knows. They trampled on each other just to get something in property and a little in spirit. They did or didn't know actual value of themselves, something invaluable...