Sunday, March 25, 2007


I like the mood of this picture since the first time I came across it. The transparent deep blue behind the woman seems so mysterious. The upward slight flight of the woman like an angle on contrary to the downward falling of petals gives me feeling of strength inside the soul. The woman is flying but not subjectively. It seems that she is being raised. The flowers in full bloom, the dropping petals, and the naked woman, all in all, are in movement. And I like that soft and charming movement…

John La Farge, Thomas Wright, Juliette Hanson, 1901-2, Spring, Gallery 110, American Art, first floor, viewed Mar 26th 2007,

More impressive than speed

I came across this website by chance and I fell in love with it from the first moment I saw it. Hope that your curiosity will push you to visit it.

Cars with similar decoration and colors are often seen on streets day by day.
During my high school time in Hanoi, one of my interests was look at one classic car on my way home. The car has a different style of décor in comparison with the others I have ever seen. Now I want to show you some distinctive cars with diverse patterns and colors. All of them are personal designs without any emphasis on trademark of any company and price (people usually cares about this when a car is mentioned: D).

I personally think that each car brings about a typical intertextuality and feeling for viewers. I am fond of the first, the seventh, the eighth design most. Lucky for them to be talked more about in my blog:D

I find in the first car the image of Western life. The interest lies in the position of being slightly slanted of the car in front of the background that is full of dust in dry atmosphere. The car, with its wheels sinking in the sand, is closely shot under low angle, which makes it look real. I love the crayon look in colorful flowers which expresses a liberal life and the pleasure of creativity:D.

The seventh one is my favorite among these 18 cars. It reminds me of one game whose name is Nghe O in Vietnamese countryside. Just with one leaf, you can make one buffalo which you can control its action. This car looks ads if it was made of huge leaves. I like the way the image of an aggressive insect blown to the car. Its shape, color and jewelry make it unique. I‘d love to have a chance to drive it:D.

The first time I saw the eighth car ,I thought that it was made with the help from Photoshop techniques. Surprisingly, it is a real car that looks so pretty and elegant. The car, with three small wheels, is polish red in the shape of a shoe. I love it for my liking of dancing:D.

The others are also impressive in reminding me of gayal festival in Spain, anniversaries in Greek, architecture in India, carnival in Holland, zoo, and arrangement art using rubbish, rocket, cartoon characters’ or robbers’ car and so on. They use various kinds of materials, colors and design principles, for instance, steel, rubbish, wooden color, lines, and light(the 16th), ect. They also have some design principles like balance, chaos (the 14th), complexity (the 11th). Some of them give me bad feeling like hard to breathe, tired or too confused.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Out of the rules

As you know, I used to say that I love playing with colors; however, every game must have its own rules, without which players cannot be pleased when becoming the winners.

Each time swimming in the pool of colors, I often got so crazy that I forgot to follow many important rules. I used colors to satisfy myself more than anything else. My pictures are often full of colors. They just succeed in expressing my feeling at that moment but they lack interesting ideas or meanings or concepts within. That’s what I always torment myself to improve my observational and analytic ability and art knowledge also.

These are my two most favorite pictures. They express my fear at one previous moment. I realized that there is no totally 100% truth in life. Even the pure truth exists, it’s not easy to find it. It will change or even vanish right after being born mainly because of the differences in ways that each one thinks, perceives and exchanges information. I didn’t know how to believe in someone, something even though I really want to, I cannot pretend. Sometimes I recognize that I'm such a bad and ugly person. I pretended to be someone who isn't me>.<

The truth seems to be a colorful spherical crystal which is buried by layers of leaves. Even when it exposes to our eyes, we just see one or some parts of it and then send it through word of mouth. Finally the truth is distorted and goes somewhere else I don’t exactly know.

The idea of drawing lots of leaves in different levels of green came to my mind long time ago before I drew this picture. Different levels of green make me feel the thickness of those layers or a jumble of ideas in my head. The magnifier, which is made of hardback standing out on the paper, gives feeling of reality. I use a pin to make holes on the page to create piercing.

When turning this page, the next picture came up still keeping image of the crystal. A spiral full of repetitive mouths and eyes and question marks in lots of colors looks like my tiredness.

Perhaps you can hardly know what I feel and what I think. No problem. Just have a look and the rest is up to you….

Sunday, March 18, 2007

No redundancy

Hm, making a logo as the first assignment took me not little time but at least I knew exactly what I intended to do. This time I feel as if I dropped in the ocean of information on the Internet, which makes me hesitate over new posts for such a long time. I finally decide to tell you about my inspiration got from my ordinary life instead of trying to show something that I haven’t been actually attracted :D. Perhaps it’s not really impressive but I hope that you’ll be patient enough to enjoy them all:x.

I have a habit of reading all the information ( not the trademark but many lines on the back of the bottle)on the labels of shampoo, shower gel, moisture cream, body lotion, perfume ect when compulsorily spending time in toilet:D. I find it interesting to do the same with medicine and clothes. Information about such products almost comes to people from ads. The first thing that they do to the label of a new shirt usually is have a look at the price and the last one is often throw it away:D.

People often take it for granted but I myself fall in love with that part of design. The fonts, sizes, colors and especially the arrangement of those letters make differences in my feeling. Black and white are two most popular colors that are used for this part of label. They bring about feeling of legacy and reliability. Sans Serif with very small size is often used. The change in fonts is really skillful. I like the appearance of some words, for instance, Charming on Enchanteur’s label or DRY on Fa’s label. I can feel sweet fragrance and cleanness just through the power of those icons.

I used to wonder why designers still mention advertising information besides compulsory one (ingredients, expiration, ect) while they know that too many tiny letters will make consumers lazy to read them. After some comparisons between some labels of my mother’s cosmetics, it turned out to be that a few letters on this part of a label reduce my trust in quality of them even though it seemed to have more chances to be read than the opposite:D.

Those information as part of the label is neatly arranged often in the back of the box or bottle (separating from the trademark) with enough negative space around it. Information about website, telephone number and logo is emphasized by lying in a small box or being changed in size or effects. However the designer isn’t allowed to forget to keep unity.
That’s just some of my feelings, nothing special. I just want to share with you my interest in smoothly eliding those tiny letters, which I also consider artworks of designers.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

It’s my pleasure to say hello to everybody who comes to visit my blog on or not on purpose :x.

I’m glad to introduce my logo to all of you :). It’s a colourful flower with 5 big petals. I don’t know why I always draw that image every time I am given a pen. That image brings me feeling of freedom, leisure and extreme lightness:) . I like dancing, singing and drawing 'cause I love an exciting life :D. Looking at my flower, you can see my way of feeling this life, natural, colourful and positive.

I like playing with colours and materials :X. I like the combination of those miracles. Intense colours are my favourites. The edge of each petal is filled with black and red because I want everything obvious and strong in my logo. Using brushes in Illustrator, I filled 5 big petals with different strong colours to give you thought of childlike drawing because of my liking of simplicity and fun :D. I also love image of the sun which is brilliant and strong :).

Each petal also includes one letter, which then creates my nickname Malo. I love this nick so much for all memories which came along with it in my high school time:X.