Saturday, July 21, 2007

Green planet

I came across a tutorial website about photoshop by chance. It taught me to create a sun and then I change to create a green planet by myself. Is this the earth. No, I don't think so. It's a green planet in my mind. No person there, just exist trees and river. Pure and clean like the earth from early age.

This image used lots of choices in Filter, for ex, layer style--> bevel emboss, render--> clouds, lighting effects, distort--> spherize, sharpen. Te ovelay mode is used much and I like shortcut Ctrl+E for merging 2 layers together so much:D.

It's up to you in playing with several choices of lighting effects and amount of opacity and shperize. Easy and interesting, right?
Here is the link for you to visit the website about tutorial:D

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