Saturday, September 15, 2007

The target that you want to achieve is somtimes obvious but obscured also. There seem many ways open to your eyes but your task is choose the best for you to reach it. You can get stuck, get lost or fall on your way but never give up.

I used Illu to express this concept in a simply way. Just using 1 font, one basic shape, pentool and type on path tool, I didn't intend to make it tidy. The type seems not to be in good alignment.

Friday, September 14, 2007

My font flash

This is my assignment 2C with so many mistakes about the unity in white space and sound and timeline control. The space between the line of text and the border of the box around it is not kept strictly. The sound isn't looped in a good way and it begins alittle bit late. The most thing I like in this flash is the process of researching information for the font. I know much more about one celebrated font that I have ignore for many years. Courier, designed by Kettler, has been used in many aspects of life with many special characteristics. Watch my flash, even it can acuse you a little bit annoyed.

Friday, September 7, 2007


Pattern is such a strong element in design but I have not used it successfully in any of my designs yet:(. I like the flowing and the arrangement that some kinds of patterns brings about. Since I was at 8th class, I was so impressed about the details in Indian carpet, but not until design program, had I known that such kind of details is called pattern. The technique of making carpet in India is so skillful. Diversifying shapes with hot strong colors creates the leisure freedom for the design.

If I didn't remember wrongly, sometimes the red color of them is dyed with the gum from one kind of fruit. This kind of pattern, I presonally think, can provide strong emtions in design works. Hope that someday I can succeed in applying this kind of pattern in my design:X, home- subject- fantasy- cool design- pattern
Indain Carpet EXPO 2006,

From two points of view:D

This picture which I got when playing around on Internet made me laugh a lot 'coz it looks like a body of a woman wearing bikini. Do you see that? It actually is a X-ray film of the front thumb:D. I wonder that sometimes we can make use of imagination and guessing ability of viewer to make a design. The image is totally grayscale but the shape is abstract and natural. So interesting:X

Here is the address I got it:

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Artificial bamboo forest

This is my combination between the image of bamboos and the image of an S- ray film of the hand. The most thing I like is the rhythm in the image. It seems to be grayscale rather than normal color adjustments. The colors is similar to ink. The mood is cold and ancient.

I found this film poster by chance. The poster seemed to catch my eyes immediately. The color in the poster is so hot. The proportion is obviously seen in the ration between the woman and the outside scene. The literal movement of many cars under the woman, who is standing strongly ready for picking up any car. The chaotic corw of the street is in high in contrast to the silence of many houses near by. The viewers' eyes will be led to the woman's girl.

I cannot miss mentioning the use of typography. The '50' is black on purpose. The arrangement impressed viewers from the first time encountering. That's what the task of the poster's typography.
The poster seems to have little information but so strong in impressing viewers.

While crossing this image, I found another version with the image of the Christ. You can see that the mood between these two poster is different.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Salsa competition flier

Next week, the Salsa basic competition will be hold for Salsa beginners of Dance Club.

Here is the flyer I did for this event. The simple design aims to heaten the atmosphere and make people eager to join the event. You can see two Salsa dancers twining together creating the fire. People will see such couples on the the competition stage, feeling hot and want to dance too.

Next week, the Salsa basic competition will be hold for Salsa beginners of Dance Club.

Here is the flyer I did for this event. The simple design aims to heaten the atmosphere and make people eager to join the event. You can see two Salsa dancers twining together creating the fire. People will see such couples on the the competition stage, feeling hot and want to dance too.

The main color is red. Black background and white text make the red parts outstanding. The text is aligned seriouly. After trying on many fonts, I decided to use Brush Script ITC for the head title so that it's suitable to the image and Bookman Old Style to give clear information.

There are 2 versions of this flyer 'coz when the black one is introduced to the blog of RMIT DC, someone likes something not hot and sexy like that but cute and pure. She said that this is the basic competition and many couples are only girls together and the characteristic of the competition is not so hot. That's also one problem I aven't thought of. Next time I should be more careful^^

Anyway, do you feel hot? Feel free to join our event!!!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Condom poster

This is the poster designed by me for assignment 2B. The poster is used to remind teenagers remember to use condoms when having sex. Although teenagers are not recommended to have sex at their ages, the number of teenagers having sex still considerably increases.

Teenagers who usually like being stylish & kool always want to be prooved to be mature. They're easy to curiously try on something new and like doing what others prevent them from. Therefore, don't try to make them think that having sex is something ashamed, mysterious or just for adults to know, which will lead them to stealthily doing it in a dangerous way.

The girl in the image is me. I put on clothes like that on purpose to remind viewers of teenagers. There's three small images of the girl. The 1st one is the girl with so much thoughts standing leaning on the letter 'T'.The girl over the letter 'e' try to touch the 'stylish' to express the trend of teens. The girl also jumps high to express the freedom.The girl looks not traditional. The brick wall with the font style 'Alba super' makes it look like grafitti wall, which teens are now often interested in.

The color of the poster is approximately hot and strong. Do I look strong :D hehe?

Sunday, August 19, 2007


Using Photoshop with stroke, brush tool, fill pallette, I made this picture. There must be something to push me to go away from this situation. I don't want to stand here anymore.

Dancing, once again,is my inspiration. The combination between the man and the woman in each figure looks so elegent and gentle, however, be careful with its strength. The red symbolizes all of them as a mysterious story. When the strength like that would come to force me?


Proportion is the key to this image. I still remember that contrast in proportion give a visual design grama and human measure everything in terms of how it relates to human size. Therefore I made the image of me small in comparison with the size of balloons on purpose. I used the warrand tool to cut the image of myself and then paste it on the grass and under the balloons. The person wants to touch the balloon, which seems possible but still not happening. That's the way I have to manage with some problems now.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Coffee or drugs

Playing a little bit with Photoshop, I began with an idea to make a picture and finished with a poster:D.

This poster just warn from the situation of coffee addction. To take advantage of the photo I took in chroma-key room, I put myself in the cup of coffee. I used eraser, Magic wand tool, select tool to create the white part full of coffee rain in the middle. Then I played with the type tool. Can you see the closure in word ' Coffee' and 'Drugs' that is created with the help of 2 coffee seeds?:D

Three words look as they are falling down, which leads the viewers' eyes to the slogan at the bottom. Coffee is so wonderful but anyway, be careful with it:). This poster can be used for public purpose when coffee addiction becomes a fever.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Me, just me and nothing else...

You know, the most scary thing to me is exactly me in another 'shape' which is not me. Sometimes I felt as if I had lost myself. Just a few actions which didn't follow my feelings, just a smile without any emotion, just the silence even when there's actually need of my voice to protect me, to tell the truth, just some ignorance when discovering camouflaged things, all in all, made me exhausted, stressful. After all, I can see myself become more mature day by day, far from my home, losing my pure thought... Am i too greedy when wanting to love everybody and wanting them to love me( ridiculously smiling)

Always, I am me in dancing and designing( not coding, programming anymoreT_T)

This is my self- portrait. I asked my friends to take photos for me as I requested about the view angle. All photos are taken in chroma- key studio room so that I can separate me from the scene more easily.I got not only the image of me but also my shape on purpose. You can see, almost every images in my self portrait is steps in dance. The portrait is totally digitally manipulated with Photoshop. I give my deep thankness to Magic Wand tool. This time, the eraser also becomes quite a good friend. Also thank you, cutout and charcoal effect. Do you see each element in my shape, which is composed from many tiny images of me after they were manipulated?
The background is one page in my Visual Diary in sem1 and I used chalk and coal to turn it into black and white so that it seemed as if it was sketched.

I like the feeling from the cold green and the dark red. It makes the image strong and close to touch the truth. My chin and my nose in combination is the thing I cannot tell that I hate or like for many reasons. My those 2 things can tell you which emotion and feeling I am carrying, believe me;)

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Playing with movement

Let’s play with some of my exercises in class. I just have the right to use font and text only to express the meaning of the word released in class. Those 4 words that I chose are Compression, Floating, Flying and Explosion.

The first one is Compression. I used the red one in the middle and many black ones around it. Those black ones compressed that red one. The saturation of the red is increased on the contrary to the font size.

The word ’flying’ is what I like most. I used the image of butterflies and worms to create the feeling of movement. The word ‘floating’ is formed from the image of a river. The word ‘explosion’ is created from two images: the balloon is boomed, the ground is bombed. Those images are so simple. I used the pen tool to create paths for those letters to run:D. The colors sometimes are applied from the color scheme. Do you like them?

Happily smile with milk tea:D

This is a picture that I have taken with my roommate when going to have a glass of milk tea. Just use Photoshop to make the small world around it. Erase all the part that you don’t like, use the brush and modify the opacity and the mode to overlay, soft light or multiple due to your likings. Easy and effective right?

My friend has used this as her desktop background. I took the picture of blue sky from Just go there to choose some pictures to make your own world.
Here it is:

Friday, July 27, 2007

Yesterday, after the lecture about Font, I suddenly thought of the wall infront of my house in Hanoi. It's the most ridiculous wall I hvae ever seen:)). The manager of my community area commanded to paint a string on all the walls " Don't write on the wall". Actually he had made all the walls have something dirty on them.

More ridiculous, all drilling and cutting concrete factories competed one another to make use of those walls to advertise for them. The wall becomes a mess of all kinds of fonts and colors.They always painted such things in a stealthy way at night so that no one can caught them, therefore all the stuffs lay in a trifling order. My teacher's words yesterday reminded me of the feeling each time I saw those walls: many voices flown to your face:)). I always imagined many people trapped on each other to snatch customers:))I remembered them and used Photoshop to make my imagination come true:D

If you come to Hanoi, it's not difficult for you see such walls, many of which cannot be seen its own colors clearly:))

theme for Na

Yesterday, my friend has downloaded many pictures of Capuchino and cakes from Freeimage website and gave them to me. She said that she wanted a theme with all of them and blou stars and snow. Do you know that how many pictures she had? About 80 ones.
How can I collage all of them to 1 theme?T___T, it will overwhelm all her friends' eyes whenever they come to visit her blog. I then explained to her that thing and make her accept with just some beautiful images. Too many stars and too much snow also results in the same scene. Phewwwwwwww, I got into trouble. Finally, I made something that pleased her but not satisfied myselfT~T from design aspect.

I used Photoshop for this theme, simply just toook an image, adjust the image size, using Marquee tool to cut, copy and paste to my theme. After process of collage, I use eraser to make simple stars all around the surface. ! new layer with 3% opacity and Diffuse mode to make a little bit snow. Pentool, type tool and script font to create something looking handmade and gentle. The main colors are warm colors: brown, orange, red so I chose brown for the script. Easy, right?

So happy to receive grate attitude from my friend and see her eager face:X.
I had to tell her to give me the link to get the image for sure 'coz I never want to meet something called Plagiarism:))

Saturday, July 21, 2007

My business card for fun:D

I have created a business card for fun. The flower on the top is the dry brush of my logo created in sem2. The business card is simple. I had to try on many fonts but I'm actually not satisfied with this oneT___T.

Just go to filter-->artistic--> dry brush for the flower, a cute green rectangle. Text is aligned. I also cared about the space to the margin to make it suitable.

I will use this business to keep contact with my friends who want to get the help from me for simple designs like flyers, posters for their events at school:D

Green planet

I came across a tutorial website about photoshop by chance. It taught me to create a sun and then I change to create a green planet by myself. Is this the earth. No, I don't think so. It's a green planet in my mind. No person there, just exist trees and river. Pure and clean like the earth from early age.

This image used lots of choices in Filter, for ex, layer style--> bevel emboss, render--> clouds, lighting effects, distort--> spherize, sharpen. Te ovelay mode is used much and I like shortcut Ctrl+E for merging 2 layers together so much:D.

It's up to you in playing with several choices of lighting effects and amount of opacity and shperize. Easy and interesting, right?
Here is the link for you to visit the website about tutorial:D

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Combination coming from monochromatic male and female:))

Once again, I have a chance to play with Illustrator. Photoshop seems to be stronger in manipulating images, however, I don’t know why I still like Illu more:D.Perhaps, in Illu, I feel as is I myself draw instead of the machine.Trying to use the color scheme and apply design principles and elements.

I use clipping mask to create a series of circle part of the picture. Then I draw black circles with the same center and set them to lie on each other one by one. Through closure process of your mind, you can see the image of a yellow flower. I drew an arrow and a crisscross to represent male and female, two main factors in SEX. The arrow points at “Sex” to bring continuation and can you feel the strength inside that arrow and sex also?

At the right bottom are three images of the flower with different sizes from big to small to bring the proximity. I want to make viewers feel the blossom in plants.
The head title use orange hue with different saturation to focus on what is expected to attract viewers, and for sure it’s the letter SEX. The first letter A in the text is the same color as the title so that the viewer can know where to begin.

There is also alignment in between the text and the title, the text and the image, the title and the image, you can see. There’s not much whitespace ‘coz as I said, I want the viewers feel the blossom in plants, which can fill up the space:D

Black background and white text and monochromatic orange use aims to bring the strength and depth for the layout.

Shake a little bit in class:D

My idea about the running image of this layout started in the tutorial time in class but when staying at home, I did it after two above layouts :D. The most important thing in this design I nearly forgot is arrange layers in a proper way. I still use the same hue and different saturation degrees and Path type tool for the title. The color scheme applied in this case is complimentary, red and green. Three small images after clipping mask step and the big background image are manipulated with Filter--> Blur--> Radial Blur (Spin mode and Good quality) with different amount. Three images are applied 1 more effect to make it less sharp and mixed with the background: Effect--> Stylize--> Outer glow Soft Light + White+ 70% Opacity+ 7px.
The alignment is kept like the above designs.

Hope that you like it. If you think I should change something, feel pleased to leave me a comment:X

Dropping, falling, enjoying split complimentary scheme:X

The next layout is created basing on the coming color scheme in my mind, split complimentary, green, red and orange. I made use of two images, the yellow flower and the green piece with a dot of water. Playing with Filter--> Artistic--> Outcut, my image will have a costume like that:D. The yellow dot is still created with the clipping mask skill got from lecture. I arranged those dots in a way to make them seem to fall along the blur green leaf--> both continuance and proximity. To create the balance, a series of same dots in an inverse way (using rotate tool) is put at the left top. This series lies on one part of the “secret” letter to bring closure gestalt.

The title is created with red hue in different degrees of saturation to attract viewers’ eyes to what I want them to focus on :D. The title, the text and the image is aligned also.
Perhaps, something still needs to be improved ‘coz I’m just a amateur designer:D. I tried to apply gestalt in these two layouts. Each of them carries two distinctive theme, one strength and one secret.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Running away

I made this piece by chance. Yesterday, to someone, was a special day, Saturday Jul 7th 2007, however, to me, yesterday was the day I was so shocked. Anyway, I don't want to talk about it any more. I just played with different gradient levels and use one basic shape only. Black and white is so strong in creating feeling. The repitition of red dots and the complexity in those strings are part of my inside feelings now.Illustrtor with basic tool like fill with gradient, basic shape helped me. I still feel something not pleasant in this one but I haven't found out:(. I hope that after my calling in the dark, I can pull myself out of this ending...

Lines create feelings

Last week, after enjoying a lesson about design process with unforgettable example of Bitis:D, I was asked to create some buttons for a photographer’s website. I thought about them nearly four days and tried to follow steps of the process. Honestly, each time creating something like this before, I just thought a little bit and felt so eager and aggressive to start using my software. Hence, this time, it’s rather difficult for me to do it in a serious way. I don’t know anything about the photographer and his work. I just use my imagination and my experience to create these buttons.

I sketched many drafts in my notebook and was nearly dissatisfied with all of them. Finally I started with Illustrator. I don’t know why I just wanted to use lines instead of shapes in this case. Perhaps, lines can effectively bring both stability (of the mountain, the nose of the face, the relationship after wedding) and movement (of the river, the smile on the face, the harmony of a couple) in these different content buttons. I intended to use brush tool to create lines in a natural way. Unlike before, Chalk scribble is my favorite choice, this time I used Charcoal thin on purpose coz’ in the natural lines, I still want everything sharp.

First, I intended to draw something abstract and impressive, but then , I thought about wedding photos, something familiar to ordinary life, where ordinary people can enjoy them. I changed my thought. I want to combine both images and type so that every viewer can enjoy them. The idea began from the first button. I found the letter “L” in the image of the mountain and the letter “S” in the image of the river so that they can create the word landscape. The next two buttons are made according to some original drafts, however, majority of this creation is due to the mood:D. You can see how I created the letter “P” and the letter “ W” in them. I automatically thought about a script font to do the rest. Just a script font with the suitable degree of inclining can continue the mood of those lines. I tried some fonts and finally chose Edwardian Script ITC, regular and size 43. Remember not to stretch them:D

The background of the button is gradient coz’ it serves my request, the gentleness and anger in landscape photos, the mystery of each human face and the sacred feelings of the marriage.

I don’t know the accurate website, the photographer and his photos, therefore I just created these buttons leaning on my feeling and guessing :D. If you think I should change something to make them better, feel free to leave me a comment:X

Friday, June 29, 2007

Dance club flyer:D

Next week, our school will organize Club Day. As a member of committee in DanceClub, I tried to contribute something to my beloved club by designing the tableflyer for that day.

I totally used Illustrator for this flyer. In fact, I had had some idea similar to this one from Visual Diary in sem1, however, making that old idea can waste much time and it seemed not fresh to me at that moment. The whole morning is spent without decision, which made me a little bit disappointed and tired coz I just had one more day.As usual, I still came to my dance team even though I hadn't found way for my task:(.I have danced for 1 year, but suddenly, it's the time me dancing that evening that woke me up after 3 weeks off. I was awaken by the smooth motion to music in each step and started to think about how to express it in my design.I thought about round curves( body curves and motion curves), the flow of music, the brightness in dancing, and especially how to combine all these issues. I firstly thought of images, icon( you can find it signifiers if you had passed Dim1:D) Naturally and clearly it was drawn in my mind.

After that I checked all the requested information that my leader gave me, 3 main colors- orange, black and white, slogan, the font( unity with the existing poster), the logo of my club, the info 'bout dancing classes this semester.

Using pentool, lines, elipse tool, rotate tool, transform, I drew in passion. I spent rather much time on arranging places of information. The size of a flyer is too small while the large amount of compulsory essential information must be clearly seen by viewers. I had to change the font size so many times.I used Effect->Stylize-> outer glow for each cute foot steps on purpose to give a message " lighten your ordinary foot steps with dancing":p.

The black one is my favourite original version, however, I made one more to make it easier for photocopy flyers. After all, I had to carefully checked bleed, crop marks, registration marks, the CMYK and grayscale bar, converting to outline, blablabla( thanks Justin and Dim2 hehe:D). Finish in the feeling of happiness:X. I love dancing and my club but this is nearly the first time I can really contribute something to them.

It's not perfect but this time I have learned how to work seriously with a dealine from not my teacher but my responsibility:)

Ecard for leaving close friend:)

This is my ecard for my close friend, Zana. She's going to stay in America for about ten years. Yesterday, after finishing design process lecture, I myself wondered which ecard she will love looking at. I thought about her present emotion, life in our home town, time we together, the colour she likes, the free shape, the cute font( she likes either cute things or scary things:))). I also care about how this ecard's atmosphere appears. I want it gentle and romantic, funny and natural as the time we play around together in HCM. I want to give her a message " Saying goodbye, to us, is nothing".

I totally used Photoshop to make this ecard. With the help from paint bucket, lasso tool( discovering the adding selection part in this step). When creating something similar to snow or clouds above each character( can you see?),it's not from the brush stroke. I use channel pattern instead of layer so that its color can be in control. filter-->blur--> Gaussian blur or Layer--> Layer style--> Bevel and emboss. Brush stroke with huge size and opacity about 60%, and small size with opacity 85% is applied to make the rest huge white part. It's simple and it just took me about 10 minutes. You can try on it to make some cards for people whom you love and peole who love you:D:X.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Oh, Cupid!!!

This is one of my assignments in ME2. My group had passed many difficulties to finish it. It still has many stupid things but we actually love it. It will be an unforgettable memory.
The thing I love most in this movie is the atmosphere during behind the scene. To me this part of the clip makes me happiest each time watching back. It brings me the atmosphere during the process of making this film.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

What you see is what you guess it to be:))

Simple pictures I have made by playing with Photoshop

Sometimes, you need to cry...
And sometimes you need someone's shoulder to lean on ...
And this time what you are watching is just a film in a cinema box:D
And finally all of them are created from an image of an ankle by me:))
Thanks for watching all of them. Have fun or get angry, it depends on you:))
Wipro GE healthcare, 1997- 2003,E CSAN Ankle Image, viewed April 2nd,

Thunder storm

I designed this one just by chance, however, extremely emotionally. During the process, I thought about 7 colous of the rainbow, the university, the cosmos, the finger print, a school of fish, the eye and something else I cannot remember. Finally it's just a thunder storm in my mind....

Technique: just play with Illustrator:D

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Some raised, some trampled

Just with emotions from on movie I saw long ago, I have created this picture. I drew in Illustrator, using brush tool, pentoll, some gradiant effect, stylize and some in Photoshop, it actually doesn't reflect exactly all my feeling, just part of it. It seems to be a picture symbolizing for particularly Chinese and generally Asian women's life in the past. They shone and faded away, nobody knows. They trampled on each other just to get something in property and a little in spirit. They did or didn't know actual value of themselves, something invaluable...

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Reference: Stephanie Carter Illustration, 2000, Coporate,viewed Apr 7th,

The distinctive style of using images and colors in Illustration attracted me most since the day I came across the book " Illustration now" at our school library.
It seems to be drawn in ink and pencil. In those pictures objects are stressed more than their forms. I like the style of drawing and using colors in those pictures 'cause they create fun and interest for me each time I got one. Conceptual illustration is easy to realize but very difficult to create. Hence I like the feeling of each time I run into such a conceptual one. I feel that it's very intelligent and then I'm also a little smart to recognize its intelligence hehe:D

Two guys under a umbrella through a binary letter rain and........feel of love:D

Simple and unforgettable

Sun Microsystems
Sun Microsystems Logo
Vaughan Pratt, Sun Microsystem's logo,Aug 2005, Wikipedia, viewed Apr 7th 2007,
In my last Intro to program lesson, while I was still confused to work with my switch, I recognized such a beautiful image.
Abracadabra, it's the logo of Sun Microsystems. It looks so simple with interleaved image of 4 words Sun. 3 letters are shown just using 1 curved line. The deep blue defines the stability and strength. I like this combination.
So simple it is that I just feel its beauty and cannot analyze any more.

Sunday, March 25, 2007


I like the mood of this picture since the first time I came across it. The transparent deep blue behind the woman seems so mysterious. The upward slight flight of the woman like an angle on contrary to the downward falling of petals gives me feeling of strength inside the soul. The woman is flying but not subjectively. It seems that she is being raised. The flowers in full bloom, the dropping petals, and the naked woman, all in all, are in movement. And I like that soft and charming movement…

John La Farge, Thomas Wright, Juliette Hanson, 1901-2, Spring, Gallery 110, American Art, first floor, viewed Mar 26th 2007,

More impressive than speed

I came across this website by chance and I fell in love with it from the first moment I saw it. Hope that your curiosity will push you to visit it.

Cars with similar decoration and colors are often seen on streets day by day.
During my high school time in Hanoi, one of my interests was look at one classic car on my way home. The car has a different style of décor in comparison with the others I have ever seen. Now I want to show you some distinctive cars with diverse patterns and colors. All of them are personal designs without any emphasis on trademark of any company and price (people usually cares about this when a car is mentioned: D).

I personally think that each car brings about a typical intertextuality and feeling for viewers. I am fond of the first, the seventh, the eighth design most. Lucky for them to be talked more about in my blog:D

I find in the first car the image of Western life. The interest lies in the position of being slightly slanted of the car in front of the background that is full of dust in dry atmosphere. The car, with its wheels sinking in the sand, is closely shot under low angle, which makes it look real. I love the crayon look in colorful flowers which expresses a liberal life and the pleasure of creativity:D.

The seventh one is my favorite among these 18 cars. It reminds me of one game whose name is Nghe O in Vietnamese countryside. Just with one leaf, you can make one buffalo which you can control its action. This car looks ads if it was made of huge leaves. I like the way the image of an aggressive insect blown to the car. Its shape, color and jewelry make it unique. I‘d love to have a chance to drive it:D.

The first time I saw the eighth car ,I thought that it was made with the help from Photoshop techniques. Surprisingly, it is a real car that looks so pretty and elegant. The car, with three small wheels, is polish red in the shape of a shoe. I love it for my liking of dancing:D.

The others are also impressive in reminding me of gayal festival in Spain, anniversaries in Greek, architecture in India, carnival in Holland, zoo, and arrangement art using rubbish, rocket, cartoon characters’ or robbers’ car and so on. They use various kinds of materials, colors and design principles, for instance, steel, rubbish, wooden color, lines, and light(the 16th), ect. They also have some design principles like balance, chaos (the 14th), complexity (the 11th). Some of them give me bad feeling like hard to breathe, tired or too confused.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Out of the rules

As you know, I used to say that I love playing with colors; however, every game must have its own rules, without which players cannot be pleased when becoming the winners.

Each time swimming in the pool of colors, I often got so crazy that I forgot to follow many important rules. I used colors to satisfy myself more than anything else. My pictures are often full of colors. They just succeed in expressing my feeling at that moment but they lack interesting ideas or meanings or concepts within. That’s what I always torment myself to improve my observational and analytic ability and art knowledge also.

These are my two most favorite pictures. They express my fear at one previous moment. I realized that there is no totally 100% truth in life. Even the pure truth exists, it’s not easy to find it. It will change or even vanish right after being born mainly because of the differences in ways that each one thinks, perceives and exchanges information. I didn’t know how to believe in someone, something even though I really want to, I cannot pretend. Sometimes I recognize that I'm such a bad and ugly person. I pretended to be someone who isn't me>.<

The truth seems to be a colorful spherical crystal which is buried by layers of leaves. Even when it exposes to our eyes, we just see one or some parts of it and then send it through word of mouth. Finally the truth is distorted and goes somewhere else I don’t exactly know.

The idea of drawing lots of leaves in different levels of green came to my mind long time ago before I drew this picture. Different levels of green make me feel the thickness of those layers or a jumble of ideas in my head. The magnifier, which is made of hardback standing out on the paper, gives feeling of reality. I use a pin to make holes on the page to create piercing.

When turning this page, the next picture came up still keeping image of the crystal. A spiral full of repetitive mouths and eyes and question marks in lots of colors looks like my tiredness.

Perhaps you can hardly know what I feel and what I think. No problem. Just have a look and the rest is up to you….

Sunday, March 18, 2007

No redundancy

Hm, making a logo as the first assignment took me not little time but at least I knew exactly what I intended to do. This time I feel as if I dropped in the ocean of information on the Internet, which makes me hesitate over new posts for such a long time. I finally decide to tell you about my inspiration got from my ordinary life instead of trying to show something that I haven’t been actually attracted :D. Perhaps it’s not really impressive but I hope that you’ll be patient enough to enjoy them all:x.

I have a habit of reading all the information ( not the trademark but many lines on the back of the bottle)on the labels of shampoo, shower gel, moisture cream, body lotion, perfume ect when compulsorily spending time in toilet:D. I find it interesting to do the same with medicine and clothes. Information about such products almost comes to people from ads. The first thing that they do to the label of a new shirt usually is have a look at the price and the last one is often throw it away:D.

People often take it for granted but I myself fall in love with that part of design. The fonts, sizes, colors and especially the arrangement of those letters make differences in my feeling. Black and white are two most popular colors that are used for this part of label. They bring about feeling of legacy and reliability. Sans Serif with very small size is often used. The change in fonts is really skillful. I like the appearance of some words, for instance, Charming on Enchanteur’s label or DRY on Fa’s label. I can feel sweet fragrance and cleanness just through the power of those icons.

I used to wonder why designers still mention advertising information besides compulsory one (ingredients, expiration, ect) while they know that too many tiny letters will make consumers lazy to read them. After some comparisons between some labels of my mother’s cosmetics, it turned out to be that a few letters on this part of a label reduce my trust in quality of them even though it seemed to have more chances to be read than the opposite:D.

Those information as part of the label is neatly arranged often in the back of the box or bottle (separating from the trademark) with enough negative space around it. Information about website, telephone number and logo is emphasized by lying in a small box or being changed in size or effects. However the designer isn’t allowed to forget to keep unity.
That’s just some of my feelings, nothing special. I just want to share with you my interest in smoothly eliding those tiny letters, which I also consider artworks of designers.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

It’s my pleasure to say hello to everybody who comes to visit my blog on or not on purpose :x.

I’m glad to introduce my logo to all of you :). It’s a colourful flower with 5 big petals. I don’t know why I always draw that image every time I am given a pen. That image brings me feeling of freedom, leisure and extreme lightness:) . I like dancing, singing and drawing 'cause I love an exciting life :D. Looking at my flower, you can see my way of feeling this life, natural, colourful and positive.

I like playing with colours and materials :X. I like the combination of those miracles. Intense colours are my favourites. The edge of each petal is filled with black and red because I want everything obvious and strong in my logo. Using brushes in Illustrator, I filled 5 big petals with different strong colours to give you thought of childlike drawing because of my liking of simplicity and fun :D. I also love image of the sun which is brilliant and strong :).

Each petal also includes one letter, which then creates my nickname Malo. I love this nick so much for all memories which came along with it in my high school time:X.